Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States of America

 “No One Does More for Veterans” 

KERMIT DALE WAGES was born in Houlka, MS on 12 May 1935.  After graduation from High School he joined the United States Air Force in April 1953 where he was trained as an Air Force Policeman, In 1969 he was retrained as an Aircraft Fuel Systems Specialist. Upon completion of 20 years of military service he retired at Barksdale AFB LA on 30 April 1973.  

Dale was married several times and has 8 children.  His children in the states send their condolences and regrets for not being able to be here today.  He has been a resident of Udon for many years now and is well known in the local community.  When he first arrived he raised quail near Nong Wa Sao and was also an active member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of the United states serving several years as the Post Commander.

Dale was also a member of the Thai-Laos-Cambodia (TLC) Brotherhood and through joint co-operation with the VFW has made it possible to provide desks, chairs, lockers, fans and numerous other items to improve the schools and enhance the education students at many remote schools in and around the Udorn area.

Dale also served as the VFW Service Officer for many years donating his time and resources to assist the widows and children of American Veterans ensuring they received the benefits entitled to them as dependents of American Veterans.

Dale was 79 years old and will be truly missed by his friends and family. 

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